The power of choice is a reality; for example, we choose peace by choosing God.  Peace is the third component of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) which suggests that peace is a benefit of being born again.  Believers can have perfect peace when our minds are constantly on the Lord (Is. 26:3), and having God’s peace within surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7).

As peace is a choice, fear is also a choice, but fear emanates from the Devil.  2 Timothy 1:7 reads:  “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  Paul makes it clear that fear does not derive from God which is why we cannot associate fear (being afraid or frightened) with God.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are living today with fear.  Many seldom leave their habitat because they are fearful of the Coronavirus and crime (which seems to be uncontrollable in many places).  Although these are just two menaces among many, we cannot enjoy life (which is fleeting) being obsessed with the fear of what may happen.  Rather than being fearful, we should be cautious.  Being cautious signifies wisdom, but being fearful deprives us of enjoying life.

Since we have the power to choose peace or fear, which one will you choose?  As for me, I choose peace Because we live amid numerous perils, I am cautious; nonetheless, I am determined to enjoy life despite Covid-19, crime, and other hazards.  This certainly does not mean that I will live ignorantly as though these menaces are inauthentic.  I believe that viruses are real, crime is real, and many other threats to society are real; however, I will not live in fear of them.  I will exercise wisdom by not putting myself in harm’s way and by adhering to safety protocol, but I will also enjoy life by choosing peace that comes from God rather than fear which comes from Satan.  Remember, when it comes to your life, the choice is yours:  “Peace Or Fear?”


Can you believe it?  Christmas is just around the corner which also means that 2021 is close to expiration.  As we approach Christmas, we must always be mindful that “Jesus is the reason for the season.”  Christmas emanates from Christ which means that had Jesus Christ never been born, we would not have a Christmas to celebrate. 

At St. John, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, especially in our forthcoming Worship Celebrations in December.  Since we are still amidst a pandemic, we are being cautious (not fearful) by not having our traditional in-person Christmas Gala, but this year we will have a virtual Christmas GalaA special ensemble (chosen St. John voices rather than our Mass Choir) will be singing in our virtual Christmas Gala on December 19, 2021, at 6 p.m., and everyone will be able to view our Christmas Gala via live streaming (YouTube and Facebook) on this date and time or thereafter.

Moreover, a special Christmas Play, “A Delicate Matter,” will premiere virtually on Christmas Eve (December 24, 2021), and everyone will be able to view it via YouTube and Facebook on this date or thereafter.  Both (Christmas Gala and Christmas Play) will be prodigious and greatly publicized, so let’s make sure we view them and encourage many to do likewise.


Building Fund Pledges:  Our architect informed me this week that the City of Richmond is close to granting us our building permit.  In case you are unaware, we desire to construct a multimillion-dollar Family Life Center, adjacent to our current sanctuary at the North Campus, which will consist of a gymnasium, game room (for the youth), and weight room.  Many of us made a pledge that we fulfilled, but some have not.  I personally thank those of us who have already fulfilled our pledge and others who have made “Building Fund” contributions this monthI encourage everyone (if you have not already done so) to participate financially as soon as possible in this building project by choosing one of the following tiers:

1)  $10,000.00 or more
2)  $5,000.00 to $999.00
3)  $1,000.00 to $4,999.00
4)  $500.00 to $999.00
5)  Below $500.00

Every Dollar Counts:  We need to close our year better than what we are averaging.  From now to the end of the year, each of us is needed to give generously in our Tithes and Offerings because we are on course currently to fall far from our yearly average.  Let’s demonstrate our love for God and St. John (at least for the remainder of this year) by being generous with your Tithes and Offerings.  Moreover, if you desire to reap a harvest, allow God to lead you to sow a special Seed Offering.  Giving is God’s way for us to receive more, for He promised to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings leaving us with no room to store them (Mal 3:10).  We currently give in person during Sunday Morning Worship Celebrations, by mailing or dropping off our Tithes and Offerings at our Administration Building or South Campus, or by giving online through our website (sjmbc.org).

A New Way To Grow:  For 34 years, I have taught, as a Pastor, ways for a church to grow in person, but a new way to grow is now necessary due to the existing pandemic.  In order to be safe, St. John is currently utilizing 30-40% of our seating capacity (social distancing) in the sanctuaries of our North Campus and South Campus.  Consequently, we are now seeking ways to build our Virtual Audience through live streaming (YouTube and Facebook/Meta) and podcasts.  I encourage everyone to subscribe to our YouTube platform and encourage others (St. John parishioners and friends) to subscribe also. The larger our YouTube subscription the greater benefits we can receive.

Safety Protocol:  We currently have two Worship Celebrations (each is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes) every Sunday:  9 a.m. at the North Campus and 11 a.m. at the South Campus.  We encourage everyone, especially people who are physically disabled, to arrive at least 10 minutes beforehand to be seated safely and comfortably.  Temperatures are checked, hand sanitizing is urged, social distancing is applied regarding where people shall sit and walk, wearing a mask is still mandatory (even though exceptions are now made in our county which began November 1st), utilization of restrooms is restricted to 2-4 people at a time (depending on the size of the restroom), and congregating before and after Services is prohibited.

Weekly Activities:  I strongly encourage everyone to participate in the St. John activities that benefit you.  Regarding each of the following activities, visit our website at sjmbc.org if you need more information.  What’s forthcoming?


    • Worship Celebrations at 9:00 a.m. (North Campus) and 11:00 a.m. (South Campus)
    • Online Church School at 2:00 p.m.
    • Online J.A.M. (Sessions For Children) at 4:00 p.m. (2nd and 4th Sundays).
    • Online Lord’s Supper at 7:00 p.m. (1st Sundays).  To participate, each believer will need bread or a cracker and grape juice (or something similar).


    • Preparation For Grocery Giveaway at 10:00 a.m. (South Campus)
    • Online Women Missionary Ministry (General Mission) at 6:00 p.m. (4th Mondays)


    • Grocery Giveaway at 12:00 p.m. (North Campus and South Campus)
    • Online Church Leadership Council at 6:30 p.m. (Tuesdays before 3rd Sundays)


    • Online Prayer at 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
    • Online Church School at 7:00 p.m.



Living with peace is a choice, and living with fear is a choice.  Ultimately, when it comes to your life, the choice is yours:  “Peace Or Fear?”

May God bless and sustain each of us.

Your Servant In Christ,



Dr. Kevin B. Hall, Pastor